Library and Information Center


Library serves as a resource center and aims to develop a comprehensive collection of documents useful for faculty and students of the institute and provides an efficient dissemination of knowledge.


Library aims to be best among Degree college libraries in the country. Library intends to incorporate the latest technology and adopt user friendly approach towards students and faculty. Library intends to offer comprehensive services related to dissemination of knowledge.


The primary objective of the library is to offer a fully integrated and dynamic environment suited for academic pursuits, study and research for the students and staff, augmenting traditional print and electronic resources.

Short Term Goal

To serve the academic needs of all students and faculty members. As a center for collection of books and journals of all related subjects to develop a comprehensive collection of information required for teaching and reference purpose. To acquire, organize Information resources to meet the present and future needs of its users.

Long Term Goal

Developing a consortium of all SET libraries with resource sharing and networking.

Library Computerization

The library uses Easylib software package which is an integrated multi - user library management system that supports all in - house operations of the Library. The Easylib consists of modules on acquisition, cataloguing, circulation, serials, article indexing and OPAC.

Bar Code-Based Circulation System

The Easylib package has been successfully implemented for the circulation activities, by using the bar-coded.

Resources Numbers
Total No of Volumes 8462
Total no of titles 3174
Non book materials(CD's) 035
Total No of Journals 07
Total No of Magazines 06
Total No of Newspapers 011
Library Timings Monday to Saturday
(8:00 A.M to 3:30 P.M)


Madhusoodhana K C

E-Resources - PPT/Videos/Lecture Notes

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