The institution has a well-planned policy procedure to ensure the best facilities in maintaining and developing the various resources available in the college campus to enhance welfare of students. The department of Library and Information Centre is well designed, well equipped and well maintained in a planned manner to procure resources.
Library Maintaining Procedure: The Library attempts to procure relevant collection of books, journals and magazines to support all the Patron requirements.
- At the beginning of the semester, Publisher’s give catalogue along with indent form is circulated to faculty. Faculty are requested to recommend latest titles in their subject domain.
- The Librarian also keeps abrest of latest publications and journals both print and Non-Print for teachers and adds Journals, Magazines to the library from time to time.
- Students are encouraged to recommend books and magazines.
- Librarian will prepare the requisition letter and forward to the Library committee for the approval. Library committee will scrutinize send the final books or approval order to purchase. Purchase order will be prepared, books and journals will be purchased
- Newly procured books and journals are displayed in the new arrival racks and new arrivals list is displayed in the library notice board, so as to draw the interest of the library Patrons.
- Annual Library Software maintenance contract is signed up with Easily Software limited company to ensure the maintenance of Library Software.
List of requirements of sports materials will be prepared by the PED and will be given to the Principal. Quotation from 3 different vendors will be taken and forwarded to the account section for the approval. Purchase committee will scrutinize the quotation and sends the final approval copy. Purchase order will be prepared and items will be purchased. Purchased order will be entered in the Stock Register and record is maintained to ensure entries. Auditorium:- A well furnished auditorium with excellent ventilation and lighting is provided to the students to conduct various programs.
Computer Lab:
An adequate number of computers with printers, scanners and high speed internet facilities are available. All computers are LAN enabled with bandwidth speed of 100 MBPS speed (ACT Line) internet facility and internet bandwidth is 1 MBPS.
- Annual maintenance contract are signed up with various companies to ensure the maintenance of infrastructure.
- Stock registers are maintained in the college and maintenance of the computers done by the technician.
- Stock Verification is done in all the departments at the end of academic year. All major/minor repair works are taken care before the semester start.
- Annual budget is proposed to the Trust, which allows the funds for servicing and repair of the instruments.
- College focuses on maintaining cleaning of the class rooms and all other rooms of the campus by the Non-Teaching Staff.
- Suggestion boxes and drinking water purifier is provided.
- College provides a CANTEEN facility as well, hygiene and healthy food is served for students and staff only.
- Lift

The college over the years has built huge infrastructure facilities for the benefit of the students. With a focus on providing the best possible services to the student community, SET management has been investing in further modernizing the image of the college.
The theoretical knowledge is imparted in classrooms and experimental knowledge in well-equipped laboratories. An amicable atmosphere is created in the classrooms by the experienced faculty members. Emphasis is laid on extra-curricular activities to tap the hidden potential in the students, thus facilitating them in their overall personality development.
Periodical Guest lectures and Seminars are conducted to help endorse the students' faith in their chosen fields.